Lieutenant Commander Tina Gough

Name Tina Alexandrea Gough

Position Wing Commander

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 110
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tall, slender, athletic, and tends to wear non-revealing clothing when not on duty as well as gloves and a turtleneck. She keeps very short, spiked black hair. She's very reserved when it comes to her body as well as guarded. When in uniform, she'll often try and sneak a pair of gloves on as long as nobody minds because she feels naked as it is in a standard Starfleet Outfit.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Rovera Gough
Mother Illanus Gough
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Unannounced/Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Very shy, hard to talk to at first but warms up if people try and get to know her. She tends not to look people in the eye, is extremely timid, and hesitates to be heard unless it's something that has a job requirement attached to it.
Strengths & Weaknesses She has the ability to see all three dimensions with a tactical clarity that others would envy and she has the ability to transmit those thoughts to others telepathically as well as express her thoughts through voice despite the reality that method-of-mouth takes a lot out of her after a shift.

She has to unwind after a lot of social function; not because she's telepathic but just because she's so quiet and introverted. She endeavors to become more normal amongst her peers but her insecurities currently overshadow her potential outside of the flight-deck.

Inside the flight deck though, she has the capacity to be a legend if she were just able to brag a little.
Ambitions To get into the flight deck as quickly as possible without talking to anyone, and to get from the flight deck to her quarters without anyone seeing her. Other than that, perhaps to one day get used to being around people enough to seem normal.
Hobbies & Interests Music, including singing when nobody's watching. Also, jogging on the holodeck by herself with no other crew members around and a firm lock on the holodeck door as well as a hefty stack of clothes waiting for her by the arch to put on. If she could site-to-site transport throughout the ship, she will.


Personal History Born on Betazed to a loving family. Teased throughout her childhood about her lanky figure, They say sticks and stones might break people's bones but words will never hurt them. Not quite so true. Words and thoughts hurt her worse than a vice grip on a femur. Eventually she discovered flying and found her peace there, high above the surface, all by herself -- when the sky wasn't enough, she fled to the stars by joining Starfleet.
Service Record Attended Starfleet Academy with poor attendance but great test scores. Served aboard several ships prior to eventually making it aboard the Space Station Versailles.
Medical Record There's nothing she hates more than physicals. It requires doctors and sometimes being revealing. Reluctantly, she did what she needed to do in order to get her perfect health into a logbook prior to finding a nice paper bag to hide her head in after the encounter.