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Pot Luck

Posted on Thu Aug 23rd, 2018 @ 4:41pm by Lieutenant Colonel Kate Nixon

306 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tremor Trouble
Location: USS Job, YaDalla System
Timeline: Current

Any time there was a major incident at any point in history, the nefarious and crooked always took advantage. They stole and pillaged whatever they could. The oceans of old might of been replaced by the vastness of interstellar travel, but pirates were still pirates.

The USS Job,now on Day 6 of anti-piracy operations in the Yadallan System, was on top of their next target.

-- Bridge, USS Job.

"They've locked weapons on us, Sir!" The junior officer manning the tactical console spun in his chair to face the Colonel. The look of disbelief on his face, matched the thoughts running through Kate's brain.

She shot a look over to her Executive Officer, who was manning the conn at the front of the ship. "They wouldn't fire on a Defiant Class starship...Hail them." She ordered.

"Unidentified Vessel, this is the USS Job. Stand down and prepare to be bordered. As, part of the ongoing anti-piracy operations in his area of space, your vessel is to be searched for contraband. Disengage your weapons lock, lower your shields and prepare to receive a team of my officers." The hail went unanswered. Not overly surprising.

The view screen flashed a bright red, as the engines of the B'Rel Class Bird of Prey lit up and ship that had been so firmly in their sights, jumped to warp in front of them.

"They're making a run for it Skipper" The Executive Officer, ran his fingers over the console plotting a pursuit course, "Plotting a pursuit course."

Kate shook her head in further disbelief, a 150 year old ship was not going to out run the Job. "Ex-Oh, Engage, when ready. Tactical, lock weapons on their engines, let's bring them to a stand still."


=^= End of Log =^=

Lt. Colonel Kate Nixon
Commanding Officer, USS Job
Starfleet Marine Corp, Detached Service


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