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Behind Refugee Lines

Posted on Thu Feb 7th, 2019 @ 3:30pm by Commander Torhild Jessen

1,131 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Location: Refugee Camp

The small gathering of children played. There were 'new' toys, teddy bears, dolls, tea sets, cars and trucks, even a few jigsaw puzzles and books. Among the Ya'Dalla children was one lone human, a small black haired child with startling blue eyes, a child bearing a striking resemblence to the lone Starfleet officer who sat off to the side, just a little away from the perimeter of the refugee camp, watching intently as they played.

There was no concern on Tori's face as she watched Astrid play, at least, not concern for any interaction from the Ya'Dallan's toward her child, more so a lingering concern that somehow her child might be unfair toward the refugee children she was playing with, though now, sitting there watching, she was relieved to know that her concerns were greatly unwarranted, and her little Astrid was indeed being kind, friendly, polite, courteous and more outgoing than Tori had ever seen her.

A hand closed around Tori's shoulder, squeezing gently. Looking up, Tori found herself staring straight into the face of one of the refugee women. "Yours?" the refugee asked, pointing at Astrid. "Is she yours?"

With a nod, Tori felt herself suddenly becoming guarded. "She is my daughter," she said softly. "Her name is Astrid, and I'm Tori," she finished, holding out her hand, as was the Earth custom.

Placing a hand on her chest, indicating to herself, the woman smiled and nodded. "Yehmina." Without another word the Ya'Dalla'n woman leaned in, pulling Tori into a firm hug. "Come," she said firmly, holding Tori by the arm and pulling her to her feet. "Come, come now."

Leading her into the encampment, Tori found herself suddenly aware of the glances coming her way from the other refugees. Some looked on with idle curiousity, some looked on with open distrust. She couldn't blame them.

"Momma!" The little voice followed by a squeak of delight. Tori turned just in time to sweep Astrid up in her arms as the little girl launched herself at her mother. "Hey there little one, are you having fun?" With a nod, Astrid grinned before wriggling back down to the ground and running off again, back to the other children.

Looking back at Yehmina, Tori offered a smile. "Is one of them yours?" she asked gently, motioning toward the children playing.

Yehmina nodded, watching the children for a brief moment before pointing to a small girl, only a little taller than Astrid. "Agacia," she said before moving a steady hand to a boy who was older yet again. "Hanan." Before she had even finished speaking, an older, perhaps almost teenage girl came out holding a small baby. "Phaedra," she said motioning toward the older girl, and then finally the baby was greeted with a "Ruadhan," and a bright smile as she gathered the baby in her arms, nuzzling his face gently.

"You all have such beautiful names," Tori said with a smile, watching as she interacted with the baby. "They are beautiful children, you must be very proud of them."

Yehmina's expression grew stoic for a moment. "They are good children, they suffer this indignity with minimal complaint." She smiled, watching as her smallest daughter picked up a doll, cradling it in her arms before handing it to Astrid and picking up another doll for herself, the two little girls sitting across from each other, dolls in arms, miniature tea cups in hand as they giggled together. "Being a child is becoming lost on them, they don't get to play much here."

Tori nodded slightly. "I can't even begin to imagine what you have all been through. Do you have more family here with you?" Catching the sudden change in Yehmina's expression as she asked, Tori sucked in a sharp breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch on a raw nerve."

"My husband was killed on the planet. My brother and my sister in law were taken and resettled, he was injured helping people to evacuate and needed medical attention, and she was due to give birth soon so they were prioritized. I don't know where they were taken, but they will tell me as soon as they find out. There is only us now." Yehmina said quietly.

"I am so sorry, I..." Tori sighed softly, her hand resting on her collar bone. "I don't know what to say."

Yemina shook her head quickly and looked up at Phaedra. "It is what it is. To complain is to waste valuable oxygen. Our turn will come eventually, we will be processed and resettled, and until then we will survive, won't we my girl?"

Phaedra nodded and smiled, a smile that didn't quite make it to her eyes as she returned with a plate that had a couple of small pieces of fruit on it, carrying it across and offering fruit to each of the children in turn, including Astrid.

Tori watched as Phaedra handed out the fruit, silently humbled by the fact that they had included Astrid as well. The family obviously had so little, yet they were still quite happy to welcome her into their home and share what little they had. She smiled, leaning back in the chair and looking around again, taking a closer look at her surroundings, at the make shift accommodations, at the people, many of whom were still casting wary glances her way.

Noticing Tori's discomfort Yemina shook her head quickly. "Ignore them," she said softly. "They are not used to seeing your people just being here. Your crew don't socialise with us, least of all with children. They come, do what they need to do and hurry away, avoiding eye contact and not getting involved. There are some who resent being here, they think we should be able to roam freely instead of being caged like animals. Some of us understand that processes need to be followed and we just need to be patient. Just as it isn't easy for us being stuck here, I'm sure it isn't easy for your crew either."

Before she could reply, Tori's commbadge chirped, disturbing them. "Science bay to Commander Jessen, Ma'am you asked us to let you know when the mitochondiral genome analysis was complete."

"Thank you Claire," Tori replied, closing the commlink before turning to Yemin and smiling apologetically. "Sorry, that's my call to go. Maybe I can bring Astrid back another time to play?"

Yemin smiled and nodded. "That would be very nice Tori, I look forward to seeing you again."

Picking up Astrid, despite her howls of protest at being dragged out of her play date before she was ready, Tori thanked Yemin once more before heading out of the Refugee camp and back toward her own quarters.


Lieutenant Commander Torhild Jessen
Chief Science Officer
Starbase Versailles


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